Active Target 技术 for High-Precision Tracking
AccuGrade™ 美国胸科协会 is a high-accuracy dynamic tracking system using an Advanced Tracking Sensor (美国胸科协会) to track a machine and monitor blade positioning. 在工地, an 美国胸科协会 instrument can be used with dozers or motor graders to track a target mounted on the blade of the machine for precise 3D positioning.
Active target technology allows the system to reliably lock onto the intended target, ensuring the correct machine is being tracked while eliminating false lock-ons. Built-in search intelligence allows the system to quickly re-acquire the target when the lock is lost.
Reliable Real-Time Positioning Data
The 美国胸科协会 instrument continuously measures the target’s position and transmits real-time positioning data to the operator via the in-cab display. This shows the exact position of the blade in relation to the design. The system combines the position of the target with the known position of the instrument, machine measurements and sensor outputs to calculate precise positioning of the blade tips.
Automatic Blade Adjustments for Ease of Operation
The AccuGrade 美国胸科协会 system uses the positioning data to calculate desired elevation and cross slope. Cut and fill values are computed by comparing the position of the blade with the design file. The system makes automatic blade adjustments typically performed by the operator and provides automatic blade control to one or both cutting edge tips.